Volunteers and Donations

Donate Online - You may donate to the Warder Literacy Center (Clark County Literacy Coalition) by clicking Donate!

In-Kind Donations - We also accept donations of books, pens, paper, and other materials. Click HERE for a list of preferred materials and services.

Alliance for Literacy - A group of businesses that recognize the importance of literacy in the workforce. They show their support of literacy and the efforts of the Warder Literacy Center by donating $75 or more per year. Call 937-323-8617 for more information about benefits of joining.

Community of Life-long Learners - Individuals dedicated to the spread of literacy, who contribute $20 or more, each month for a two-year time period. Commitments are renewable. Contact the Warder Literacy Center at 323-8617 for more information to get started.

Become a Tutor - Join others who wish to help those in the community who struggle with reading or want to learn the English language. To become a tutor, you need to be a high school graduate or have earned your GED. You will need to attend a workshop which will introduce you to our curriculum and the resources available at the Center. You will be matched with a student based on the days and hours you are available. You must meet with your student twice a week for 1-1.5 hours each session. You do not need to have prior experience, just a desire to help a student. Call 323-8617 for more information on up-coming workshops and register by going to tutor volunteer signup.

Be a Volunteer - The Warder Literacy Center need volunteers to help with mailings, cleaning of the Center, assisting at fundraisers and so forth. Please call 323-8617 to find out how you may volunteer.